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Floor Candidates For Division I Director

Floor Candidates for Division I are Being Accepted Until Thursday, April 20th


There is still time to run as a floor candidate for District 55 Leadership. We have a position open for Division I Director. There is currently one candidate who potentially will run from the floor. If you are interested in running, you must be qualified to run for the office of Division Director and declare your intent to run from the floor at least 7 days prior to the District Business meeting which will be held on Thursday, April 27th. Anyone who has NOT declared their intent to run at least 7 days in advance will NOT be allowed to run from the floor.


Floor Candidates

Preparing for Floor Candidates:

For each office, the District Director asks whether there are any additional nominations from the floor. If floor nominees are not in attendance, their designees will state the nominee's eligibility qualifications.


Floor Candidates:

If the District Leadership Committee (DLC) report is incomplete or invalid, it is essential to understand how the floor candidate process works. Floor candidates must declare their intent to run no later than seven (7) days before the Annual Meeting of the District Council.


There are two categories of floor candidates:


Qualified Floor Candidate — This candidate meets the qualifications described in the District Administrative Bylaws.


Eligible Floor Candidate — This candidate was evaluated by the DLC for the specific role they are running and meets the qualifications described in the District Administrative Bylaws.


All floor candidates must be qualified or eligible and have signed and submitted the District Leader Agreement and Release statement to the DLC Chair.


Floor candidates must be nominated by a member of the District Council or self-nominated if they are currently a member of the District Council. If the floor candidate is absent and has appointed a representative to speak on their behalf, the representative must not be a member of the District Executive Committee, a member of the DLC, a Credentials Chair, or a meeting official, as identified by the District Director. Any candidate may be nominated for a maximum of two roles at the annual District Council meeting.


The only situations in which floor candidates can run for District elections are:

  • If a candidate was evaluated by the DLC but not nominated for a particular role, the candidate may run from the floor for that specific role(s).

  • If the DLC report is incomplete, qualified floor candidates may only run for a role(s) that has insufficient nominated candidates.

  • If the DLC report is invalid, all floor candidates (qualified and eligible) may run for any elective role(s).

If you have any questions, please reach out to the DLC Chair, Kathy Moore at

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